Many thanks to our clients for their kind words.

“I am so grateful that I found Jennifer and the Yoga for Eating Disorders practitioners. From the one-on-one yoga therapy sessions to the varied programs offered, from Compassionate and Mindful Yin Yoga, Gentle Yoga to Everything Yoga Without the Mat, the team at Yoga for Eating Disorders provides compassion and understanding, meeting you where you are and exploring with you how different parts of yoga can complement your healing journey. The practice and tools I have learned through the various offerings have been the missing link on my personal journey. I highly recommend Jennifer and her team for wherever you are on your recovery.”

—Emily Halle, Connecticut

“Working with Jennifer is by far the most fulfilling and productive therapy work I've participated in in nearly twenty years of recovery. Jennifer listens and empowers you to be present, using and creating your own tools of recovery. From breathing exercises to yoga poses to writing activities to mantras, you are equipped with strategies that enable you to focus on what's necessary to move forward.

— Ingrid Fedge, Colorado

“Yoga for Eating Disorders offers courses and workshops in an affirming and inviting space for participants of all levels. I have benefited from virtual yoga sessions, a journaling workshop, a writing course and the weekly connection calls. Jennifer Kreatsoulas has designed these offerings through her lens of lived experience. She approaches her work with care and compassion. Such a pleasure to work with!”

—Kathryn Miles, California

“A friend of mine told me about Jennifer's weekly free Connection Calls and decided to try it out. It is such a great little space that I look forward to during the week to sit with others that I know share similar struggles, and also huge achievements. I know it was timing, but participating in one of the calls I was able to radically transform a certain aspect of my life. I have also signed up for the Yoga & Eating Disorders Mentoring Group and am looking forward to exploring how this will influence what I offer as a yoga instructor. There's so much information and ways to connect with yourself and others on her site-so check it out!”

— Brehan Corveau, Alaska

“Heather is a very good instructor. The practice in her gentle yoga class is easy to follow for any level. The poses were gentle yet powerful, and Heather's soft voice and inspiring affirmations very helpful.” —Cathy Volpe

“Jennifer is a true professional, has a wealth of knowledge and most importantly, genuinely cares.  Her heart shines through in every encounter.  Jennifer has helped me to completely transform my relationship with food and more notably, to deepen my relationship with myself.  I am so very grateful for her heartfelt guidance.”

 — Suzanne, New Hampshire

“Niya was a great presenter, lots of thought-provoking questions to take away for my own practice and well planned.”

—Drew Sheinen, Pennsylvania

“Abbey is the most wonderful, genuine spirit. She truly made the class. Thank you, Abbey, and thank you Yoga4Ed for offering classes that are accessible and affordable. You are making an impact and I feel so blessed to have come across this program.”


"Chanting is not something I normally practice, but in the Yoga Tools for Recovery course, when Mikki said that it helps to clear our throat chakra, soothes the system, and teaches us to use our voice, that really hit me! I will never forget that." ~Anonymous

“Working with Jennifer has been one of the best things I've done for my eating disorder coaching + yoga business. Learning from an expert in the field of yoga therapy and eating disorders has truly heightened my confidence in coaching and teaching. It has also given me space in a community made up of unique ED professionals. Jennifer is warm, intelligent, and able to ask the questions you need to answer to bring yourself to your next level in your business, recovery, or personal development. Jennifer is a gem and I am SO grateful to know her!”

— Casey Urban, New York

“I am so very grateful for the Yoga Therapy for Inclusive Training led by Niya Bajaj and this organization.” 

—Hannah-Kate Coultas, California

"What a joy the Taking Action workshop was! I knew a lot already about power and privilege but the new information on narrative competence was great!"

—Andrea Miller, Ph.D., 200-YTT

“Caroline is very skilled and did a great job guiding me through the Yoga and Journaling Workshop. I often find it hard to stay focused during yoga, but Caroline's approach using repetition, journaling and meditation was the perfect combination for me to achieve focus.”


“Angela's compassion and knowledge creates a safe haven for a body mindful practice. Her language and cues are supportive and inviting and she always incorporates accessible poses.”

— Anonymous

“Jennifer Schelter cultivates such a creative and safe space for writing exploration. The Next Chapter was my second class with Jennifer and the people I have met have been so brave and open and supportive in their sharing. It has been a great place to be on a Monday evening.”


“In the Body Peace & Mindful Ease Yoga series, Heather was really good about modeling and teaching us to do what feels good in our body on a particular day.”

—Priti D’Silva, Virginia

“It was evident that Abbey put a lot of thought into this Meditation and Recovery workshop and that she's super familiar with and passionate about the subject matter. She had good energy and was genuine, which I always appreciate in a teacher.”

—Beth P.

”I loved the Taking Action workshop! Niya was very informative. I truly felt invested in the topic. I am looking forward to applying the concepts with my clients and with my co-workers.”

—SF, Pennsylvania

“I’m very grateful to have had the opportunity to participate in Everything Yoga without the Mat for a second time. One year after I first took the class, I am different, my recovery is in a different phase and Abbey is also different and brought a slightly different perspective to my experience.... I loved the moments when my heart really connected with the ideas, and I became aware that I am actually beginning to live them out in my daily life!

—Susie Voss, Arizona

“I loved the Joy of Writing Life Stories class led by Jennifer Schelter. The opportunity to write and share our writings with others was inspirational as well as thought provoking and emotional. I enjoyed learning many things about myself and being help as well as holding space for the others in this group. The sharing and sense of community was so genuine. Jennifer is a wonderful and thoughtful moderator and mentor and helped us all develop a safe space for each other. I enjoyed meeting all of these women and sharing our writings. It was unique, special and important.”


“I had such an amazing experience in the Everything Yoga Without the Mat group and attended every session live! Abbey was great and the other women in the group further enhanced the deepening of my understanding of how to truly embrace and embody the yoga lifestyle!”

—Susie V, Arizona

“Jessica offers excellent yin yoga classes presented in a mindful and compassionate way.”


“In The Next Chapter course, Jennifer Schelter helps you step into the closet of your mind, find the memories that are stuffed into the far back, pull them out and try them on.”

—Deb Collins, California

“I loved the summer series with Caroline Young. I found each meeting a healing experience as Caroline expertly led us through a series of exercises (e.g., yoga, meditation, breathing) that helped me gain deeper insight into myself.”


"I liked the regularity/frequency of Heather's gentle yoga practice and felt that this was time for me. I liked Heather's gentle and authentic approach; it didn't feel pushy but just offering ideas and options."

—Rebecca, United Kingdom

“Angela Rocks. She is such a warm, healing instructor.”

—Heather Penrose, New York

“I recently signed up for Jessica’s Compassionate & Mindful Yin Yoga six-week series. I am thoroughly enjoying the weekly themes and I notice how coming back to the theme allows me to stay mindfully present in the poses. I appreciate the way Jessica verbally explains how to flow into the poses rather than demonstrating as I notice the “comparative mind” is not present (because I am not watching her body get into the pose/shape.) I feel like this class is very accessible and enjoy that when my schedule does not permit me to join live with the class, I can rely on the recorded sessions to unwind when I’m ready.”

—Suzanne B.

"I really enjoyed Jennifer Schelter's calm energy, her wisdom, her loving approach to us. I learned so much about writing."

—Nancy Lozano

“‘Take a pause. Be curious without judgement. Be present. And. Expand the realm of possibility. Trust the process. Permission to live outside the rules. Begin Again.’ These are the key phrases I've learned from the Journaling and Meditation Course provided by Dr. Jennifer Kreatsoulas. I use these phrases daily, and they give me hope. This was such a supportive group, that helped me feel connected to others, who truly understand living with an eating disorder on a daily basis. The tools of meditation and journaling are another key to unlocking my healthy self, and launching me further into recovery! I absolutely loved it!”

—Julie Wickham, West Virginia

"I really connected with 'Everything Yoga Without the Mat' because Abbey has truly walked peaks and valleys of recovery/life and I felt she was right alongside us. Abbey’s gentle and wise guidance was very supportive and uplifting, and she was a great model for where vulnerability and courage can lead. Thanks so much Abbey for sharing your light!"

—Shari V., Canada

“Abbey’s Turning the Pages of Recovery class clarified my understanding of what my recovery and my relationship with my body means to me. Exploring the idea beyond ending self harming behaviors and cultivating genuine, authentic self compassion is central to healing, and this program not only provides a safe place for you to begin your journey but teaches you tools to enhance it.”

—Ingrid Fedge

“Jennifer is extremely knowledgable and teaches from her heart. It was such an honor to be surrounded by like-minded individuals in the Yoga and Eating Disorders Mentoring Group who are committed to having a positive impact in this world. I learned so much from the different weekly topics and really valued the dive deep into eating disorders for yoga. I am leaving this program more aware and more inspired!”

— Brooke Alexander, California

“Mikki is an absolute gem. She has such a loving heart and is so full of wisdom. I feel so honored to know her. She has a way of making you feel so at home and like we’re all human. I felt so connected with every class and really appreciated her efforts to be available outside of class as well.”

— participant in the Yoga Tools for Eating Disorder Recovery course

“Jennifer and Gina are wonderful teachers. Both have a passion for what they do, share their knowledge in clear and supportive ways, and know how to cultivate an environment where participants are comfortable sharing their thoughts, ideas and experiences with each other. I would highly recommend the Trauma Sensitive Yoga in Eating Disorder Recovery training.”

— Kelley Rae Unger, E-RYT 200

“Jessica’s Yin series was lovely. And my back feels really good. I am having chronic low back pain so I put all kinds of props around my forward folds and was very mindful about lengthening instead of deepening. And it feels great now. I would typically have pain after that.”— Heather M.

“I followed along with the recordings for Heather's Body Peace and Mindful Ease class, and really enjoyed them. I left the classes feeling more calm and balanced — they were a good way to start my day. Thank you!”

— Diana Walling, New York

“Jennifer provides a safe and nurturing space in her groups. The groups are structured and still flexible. Even though we are all in different places with our recovery journey, Jennifer ties it all together. You will receive tools and treasures from her groups.”

—DC, California

“I’m so grateful for the approach Jessica brings to her Compassionate and Mindful Yin Yoga classes.  She’s calm and her voice instills peace in my heart.” 

—Susie Voss

“Being a part of Jennifer's mentorship group was the best gift I could have given myself. As I approached opening my own practice as a psychotherapist & yoga teacher wanting to work with people experiencing eating disorders, I found the people in the group encouraging, uplifting and an example of vulnerable possibility. I found so much strength in hearing what others were piloting across the nation and globe, as well as gathered wisdom from practitioners who have been in the field for some time who shared their challenges and triumphs. The only reason I was unable to join for the third round was because I was so busy getting my practice off the ground that I needed to narrow my focus for a few months. I am thoroughly looking forward to returning, and highly recommend attending.

— Laurel Ann Carter, MA, LPC, IKYTA, ADS, Colorado

“Heather’s Move with Curiosity class was wonderful! I appreciated very much the gentle yoga poses, the positive body language, and the supportive community.” 

— Amy Hageman

“Deciding to sign up for the Online Yoga Experience has definitely been one of the best decisions I’ve made for my eating disorder recovery. I loved receiving the gentle yoga practices, meditations, and reflective exercises directly into my inbox, because it enabled me to work through each weekly theme at my own pace with absolutely no pressure and nothing but encouragement from Jennifer in her weekly check-ins. Better still, having lifetime access to the content means I get to go back and revisit parts of the experience when the themes are relevant to what’s happening in my daily life.”

—Maz Connolly, United Kingdom

“At a time when COVID-19 quarantine created isolation, Jennifer moved forward and provided a place to connect with others and a bridge to supplement my work with clients on nutrition and body image. During the initial Yoga & Eating Disorders Mentoring Group and subsequent Mentoring Circle, she weaves lived experience, nuggets of information, and experientials to create a toolkit to help others struggling with disordered eating and body image issues. It provides a more embodied experience incorporating yoga which not only enhanced my nutrition practice, but even more my personal yoga practice.”

—Marilyn Dahl, RDN, MBA, CEDRD, RYT, Jacksonville, Florida

“For someone who has very little experience with yoga, Heather’s Move with Curiosity classes allowed me to get more than my feet wet. Heather met us where we were in experience. She provided an inclusive and safe environment. This experience has sparked my interest in yoga.”


“Jennifer’s Journaling and Meditation Group made meditation feel accessible and journaling didn't feel like a chore. It was a life-giving group full of safety, love, feeling seen, heard, and respected. Having the recordings and prompts to refer to after our group time was transformative.”

—Sarah, Tennessee

“It's so wonderful for me to be exposed to people of like-mind and direction in their yoga practice. In Teaching Yoga in a Clinical Setting for Eating Disorder Recovery, I enjoyed learning and hearing about Vivian's experience and expertise in a clinical setting.” 

—Kristen Elliott, RYT, My Piece Of Yoga

“Abbey’s Mindfulness Journey enabled me to experience a sense of connection to myself and to a larger community and was taught with a gentle, embodied approach that encouraged self-reflection.”

—Diana Walling

“Working with Jennifer has been a real joy. Her natural steadiness, acceptance of my personal process, and her intuitive knowing of just what to focus on are what I have noticed about working with Jennifer.  She is kind yet purposeful - there is a kind of 'felt sense' in her passion for empowering others to experience their bodies as safe, strong, and capable. A kind of knowing that only comes personal experience.  I highly recommend Jennifer to those who desire recovery, healing, or a deeper relationship with their bodies and as a consultant for therapists combining yoga into their clinical practices.” 

— Jean Dixon, LPC, CGP, YTT, Houston, Texas

“Gina went above and beyond to provide such detailed information and even though I couldn't attend the Trauma Sensitive Yoga in Eating Disorder Recovery training live I don't feel like I have missed out as she's been there for me to reach out to should I need. I have learned so much not only from Gina and Jennifer but from the other participants and have really enjoyed being a part of a community of like minded people.”

— Sharon Cannon ~ Indigo Yoga Healing & Wellness

“I knew coming into the Trauma Sensitive Yoga in Eating Disorder Recovery training with Gina that I was going to receive a lot of valuable information to enhance my understanding of teaching yoga to those who have suffered trauma and eating disorders, but my expectations were still exceeded. This course was incredibly insightful and I cannot wait to be able to put these lessons to use to provide a safe and nurturing environment for all my students.”

— Lauren C.

“Taking Jennifer’s Online Yoga Experience for Eating Disorder Recovery is the best gift I’ve ever given myself.  The decades I lost in a complete disconnect with mind, body, spirit, and food were exhausting. Jennifer’s unique yoga practices and voice (written and audible) awakened my emotional dormancy in a way that felt very unfamiliar, yet welcoming and safe.  I’m grateful…and I’m on my way.”

—Sally C, Wisconsin

“Babette was absolutely lovely. She was kind and gentle and so very welcoming. She was perceptive and guided the “Your Body Tells a Story” workshop at a pace that honored each member and the time we had to spend together. She helped to create a safe space for each of us to explore a difficult topic.”

—Lesa Tanner

“Although hesitant at first... as I was not much of a journaling type and then doing this with a GROUP, yikes! But, I took the plunge and so very grateful I did. Jennifer's inclusive approach met me where I was; a gentle push, coupled always with an invitation to participate. In each class we had a theme tied to our journaling prompts and meditation practice. This class brought me closer to my truth, allowing me to give myself space for grace and some needed self-compassion. Having the opportunity to share this experience with a committed, safe group was even more powerful. Within this shared experience, we learned from each other. Thank you Jennifer for your expertise, your approach, and this opportunity. One of the best things I've done for myself.”

—EH, Iowa

“Jennifer has helped me gain insight into my habitual behaviors that cause suffering, and she has helped me transform those insights into positive steps toward new, healthier habits of mind and body. I now have powerful breathing, asana, and thinking tools to help me get unstuck. Jennifer is an exceptional listener who meets her clients with compassion, intelligence, and kindness. She's been there; she gets it. She knows how to lead her clients out of dark places and into the light.”

— Beth D, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania

 I was blessed to be a part of the very first Yoga and Eating Disorder Mentoring Group cohort and it was truly a transformational group to be a part of. Jennifer’s wisdom and passion shine through in all that she does. Her wealth of knowledge is a gift to those who are lucky to learn form her. Jennifer elevates her students and humbly gives opportunities for growth by encouraging others in what they do. As a member of the cohort and more recently the mentoring circle, I have be given a sacred space to share my knowledge as well as be educated by those in the group. The Yoga and Eating Disorder Mentoring Group and Mentoring  Circle are truly wonderful communities to explore yoga for eating disorders. I recommend them for all teachers working in this arena or just interested in learning more about teaching to this population.

— Gina Hartman, RYT, Temecula, California

“Jennifer creates a space for change to take place. She is knowledgeable, gentle, empathetic, and a great cheerleader! She has the remarkable ability to empower others to begin to heal themselves. During our sessions, I would show up, feelings and thoughts muddled to the point I wasn’t even sure what it is I needed to move forward. Through skillfully posed questions, Jennifer helped me sift through what felt like an overwhelming amount of “stuff.” I discovered I was able to articulate things like, “hey, what I really need in this moment is to be more gentle with myself—to have self-compassion.” Because Jennifer listens deeply and with her whole heart, she would then invite me to co-create practices I could take home such as a short yoga routine or a visualization technique to address what it was we had discussed. I was never given a generic, one size fits all practice. Each tool she gifted to me was individualized and addressed what it was that I experiencing at the time, which made it so meaningful and so applicable in my daily life. The most powerful part of our work together was how Jennifer invited me to explore, clarify, and then take control of my own healing as she masterfully facilitated the process. Yoga therapy with Jennifer was an empowering experience!”

— Jennifer Rivelli Anderson, Philadelphia

“My yoga therapy work with Jennifer has become an integral part of my journey as I recover from severe depression and eating disorder behavior. During my time with Jennifer, I’ve been able to deconstruct my thoughts about health, happiness, and weight. Wrestling through these topic while connecting with my body via yoga has opened me up in a new way. I’m developing more compassionate self-talk and a stronger sense of self validation. I’m also working with concrete grounding techniques that are specific to me and work for me. I find Jennifer's body mindful approach to be more effective for me than other therapies I've tried. Overall, it's just lovely to have Jennifer rooting for me and encouraging me to keep working on myself.”

— Lesa R, Philadelphia

“I was referred to Jennifer by my therapist who recommended I go see her for help with body image and other day-to-day issues. I have suffered from an eating disorder (BED & Bulimia) and OCD for most of my life; and, before I met Jennifer, I struggled with accepting who I am as a person. From the minute I met her, she made me feel comfortable and safe. Many sessions later, I gained a sense of empowerment with the yoga techniques and affirmations she taught me to do when I needed a little bit of self love and compassion. I can truly and wholeheartedly say that Jennifer cares for her client and gives her all to helping young girls like me.”

— Sarah, Philadelphia

“Weaving the roles of writer, yoga therapist, and heath advocate, Jennifer is a recover (and recovered) warrior of our time. She approaches her clients and colleagues with endearing integrity, wisdom, and a fierce spirit. In a world laced with competition and contention, Jennifer refreshingly celebrates those around her who are promoting recovery.”

— Maria Sorbara Mora, MS, R.D., CEDRD, C-IAYT, Founder of Integrated Eating, Author of Incorporating Science, Body, and Yoga in Nutrition-Based Eating Disorder Treatment and Recovery, New York

“I loved Jennifer’s 4-week online course for Eating Disorder Recovery as she brings a gentle, kind, compassionate and well informed approach to healing! Her choice of language, tone, and energy brought a sense of calm throughout the mindful movement practice. Thank you for sharing your insights and I loved the heart opening and Kosha practices in particular. ”

— Lori Haas, LCSW, CEDS, 500 hr CYT, and Healing Emphasis Yoga Therapist, Arizona

“My overall experience in "Your Body Tells a Story” was invigorating. The combination of Babette's prompts, and the group's grounding unity of support allowed me to delve into the nooks and crannies of my ED, my body, my spirit and my brain, probing for both questions and answers to aid my recovery.” 

— Ingrid Fedge

“Jennifer is one of the most genuine, insightful, and compassionate mentors I have ever had. She has helped me reframe how I use language during my yoga classes and teach from a place of body empowerment and body love. I not only get to work with Jennifer through her support for my yoga teaching, but she also supports me on my own recovery journey. Through our work together I have found strength, confidence, and a whole new world of possiblity. She inspires and supports me as I work with those struggling with eating disorders in my own community as well as young women in a juvenile delinquent center where we often talk about the themes of self-love, empowerment, strength, and body acceptance. I am so grateful to know Jennifer and have her as a mentor and support.”

— Allsyon Pesta, RYT 200, Cleveland, Ohio

“I really love how Jennifer’s videos help me feel into my body and learn how to really use yoga to help support recovery.”

— Maryann T, New Jersey

“Jennifer has the rare gift of speaking with both fierce conviction and genuine kindness. She is not afraid to tackle complex issues, and does so with an exceptional combination of empathy, expertise and humility.”

— Kristen Snow, MHR, RYT-200, National Eating Disorder Association

“This online experience helped mere-establish a level of intimacy with myself that I was missing because I was so busy pushing through my life AND my recovery. The yoga and meditations reminded me to slow down and savor the journey instead of focusing on a destination. Using these tools, and practicing comfortable and fun poses, allowed me to find more Joy in my practice. I am grateful for this experience and I am sure I will use it as a resource and reminder down the road. ”

— Dominique D, Delaware

“Jennifer’s vulnerability and way of helping others through sharing her own story captivate her readers and listeners from the start and her words never fail to inspire. Her voice and words on her online video series are instantly calming and invite you to take a step back from your worries and to-do-list and come back into your body and soul. Whether you are new to yoga or have been practicing for years, her videos will guide you through every step and allow you to step into your own power and choose love, courage, and compassion over fear at any moment throughout the day. ”

— Mirjam Roelink, MS, California

“Jennifer is one of the most incredible women I’ve had the pleasure to work with. She is a truly gifted speaker with a passion for helping others.”

— Wendy Cramer, MEd, The Renfrew Center, Philadelphia

“Jennifer leads yoga with a true understanding of our clients and their needs. She offers a unique opportunity for our clients to participate virtually in a meaningful yoga session that is incredibly helpful to their recovery. I highly recommend Jennifer’s video yoga series! ”

— Amy Sullivan, MC, RD, LD, CEO & Founder, daliyRD

“Gentle, powerful, and informative describe Jennifer’s innate ability to empower others to action.”

— Karen Maree Pike, RN, MSN, OCN, Dip Hom, Alternative Medica

“Jennifer is a truly gifted yoga therapist who has become a critical part of my negative body image and eating disorder recovery team. The past few months in working with her have been amazingly transformative, and she has personally helped me turn a corner in my journey to having a better relationship with my body and a deeper understanding of my true self. By using the philosophies and practices of yoga, through discussion, movement and meditation, she’s given me new tools and perspectives that have helped changed my perspective of yoga, eating disorders, my personal healing journey, and so much more. Even in meeting through Skype, given our geographical distance, she creates a personal and safe experience that allows for real work and healing to happen. I honestly feel blessed to have her not only be a part of my recoverybut also in my life.”

— Alicia D, Tampa

“Jennifer takes a whole heart approach in her presentation by connecting with the audience and engaging them in a way that they feel connected to her work. Our guests left feeling inspired and energized to implement Jennifer’s lessons to their life.”

— Corina Hart Jenkins, Regional Director of Outreach, Fusion Academy- Philadelphia Metro

“Words can not express how happy I am for my sessions under Jennifer’s mentoring. I’ve been teaching yoga and other movement disciplines for a decade now, and very often I’ve been finding myself in front of barriers for which I used to blame external factors. Well, Jennifer has a unique gift of guiding people, in a very gentle and compassionate way, into a deep journey of clearly defining their goals and intentions.

Through our 1-to-1 sessions, my journaling and inner work, I’ve started to use the philosophy and principles of yoga to find the real reasons that often keep me back in my yoga teaching and in other areas of my life. Jennifer has provided me with numerous resources that are already supporting me to grow my studio; she has helped me to clarify my professional goals and how to focus my attention to reach them; and- above all!- she has supported me to listen to my inner voice and feel confident to speak my truth to the world!”

— Stella Koutri, Certified Yoga Instructor, Greece

“Jennifer wove her knowledge and expertise in an informational, interactive and experiential presentation.  She engaged the audience with her sense of humor, calm and grounded energy and taught us skills to help with our own anxiety as well as practical skills to use in sessions with our clients.” 

— Tamie Gangloff, MA, MFT, Senior Training & Outreach Manager, Monte Nido & Affiliates

“As a yoga teacher for a national eating disorders program, I signed up to mentor with Jennifer to dive deeper into tools for teaching this particular population. To best support and empower the clients I serve, I wanted to learn more about language, themes, things to avoid, and any other insights and experiences Jennifer could provide. Even after our first mentoring session, I knew how valuable this mentorship would be. I became more informed and more aware which left me feeling more confident in sharing yoga and its teachings with those who struggle with body image and/or disordered eating. Jennifer is a true expert in the field of yoga where it intersects with body image and disordered eating. She was a delight to work with and I’m grateful to have learned from her and to have been supported by her in this meaningful work. ”

— Suzy, Trauma-Informed Yoga Certified RYT 500, Minnesota

“Thank you so much for the yoga for eating disorders online class! I really appreciate having this experience and know that I will continue to use the videos for practice. You are so gentle and kind, and that helps me to be gentle and kind with myself as I work to develop my own yoga practice.”

— Cathy C, Maryland

“Yoga therapy with Jennifer has been a wonderful compliment to my journey! I am grateful that she is in my life. She shows up in multiple ways and shows that she truly cares and empathizes with my process. Jennifer brings personal experience with recovery to the mat and that experience is so valuable. She has been a fantastic asset to my therapeutic process as I have been able to bring things that come up in yoga back to my therapist that have helped to advance my healing process. This form of expressive and spiritual movement is one way I nourish my soul.”

— Kaitlin, Philadelphia

“Jennifer’s videos are amazing! Her comforting presence, words, and voice captivated and strengthened me and made me want to keep going. She is healing and full of love. Because of it, Jennifer’s videos are a perfect way to get my day started. ”

— Lauren Costello, Philadelphia

“Working with Jennifer has had such a positive impact on my life—mentally, spiritually and physically. I consider Jen one of my greatest supports. I am able to confide in Jen with whatever I bring to our sessions. In return, I receive positive, non-judgmental feedback and homework that aligns with my intentions, standards and goals. Jen’s responsiveness and ability to leave her clients feel 100% supported is a rare find. I truly recommend Jen to anybody who is looking to heal, develop and deepen their mental, physical and spiritual relationship with themselves and others!”

— Erin, Philadelphia

“Compassion. This is an emotion that before working with Jennifer I applied to others but never to myself. How could I allow myself a break or give myself compassion for where I was or what I was facing? Throughout the short time that I have worked with Jennifer on my eating disorder recovery, she has taught me how to be kinder to myself and incorporate yoga beliefs and tools into my life to ease the negative voice in my head. Working with her has not only given me more power and confidence, but has also given me valuable insight into the physical, mental, and emotional steps I can to take every single day to help me find my breath and spirit”

— Lavinia U, Philadelphia

“I feel so lucky to work with Jennifer. Before I started yoga therapy with her I was so disconnected from my body and its own process; between the eating disorder and moments in my past that were challenging, the thought of being in my body would cause me to panic. The work has not been easy, sometimes it has been painful, but she has been so compassionate in this journey with me. I’m so grateful.”

— Sarah K, Baltimore

“I never thought I would voluntarily be in yoga therapy! Not only am I still warming up to the mere idea of therapy, but being still and calm enough for yoga is a challenge for me. However, after almost thirty years of struggling with an eating disorder, I decided to try another approach to support my recovery. I am so glad I ventured out of my comfort zone and met with Jennifer! Jennifer is kind, caring, compassionate, and a good listener. She makes me feel comfortable and safe. An added benefit is that I know she “gets it” because of her own eating disorder history. Whether we are practicing yoga or simply talking, I always leave feeling better than when I came in. I am grateful for the opportunity to work with Jennifer and count her as a blessing in my life.”

— 39-year-old woman

“I have struggled with disordered eating for over 15 years. It has, for a long time, been my safety blanket, a veil of deceit that protected me from the feelings that were too intense for me to begin to understand. Yoga has provided a safe outlet to explore those emotions without judgement and has allowed me to use my body in a positive way. Finding Jennifer and beginning yoga therapy has been a beautiful experience. Her gentle energy allows me to feel safe exploring those painful feelings without fear. Jennifer’s unique and creative way of building individualized asana sequences has changed my time spent on my mat. From inversions to help change my perspective to strong power poses such as fierce pose to give me strength when I feel weak, each session provides hope and courage to continue moving forward on my journey.”

— Heather J, Philadelphia

“I’ve been dealing with food and body image issues for what feels like my entire life, and have been in and out of psychotherapy for decades. I’ve processed and dissected and discussed and analyzed my issues from every angle. I didn’t think at this point in my life there was any way to re-hash those issues any more meaningfully. Then came Jennifer. I found her on a whim, stumbled across one of her blog posts, and thought, why not? And it has been one of the best decisions I’ve made. Yoga therapy has provided a new lens through which to view my stuff and new tools to add to my self-care arsenal. Therapy is no longer just about words—getting on the mat has helped me connect with my body in ways that traditional talk therapy never could. I now have a renewed interest in doing the incredibly difficult work involved in this elusive thing called recovery, and Jennifer is a wonderful partner to have along the journey. She is warm, thoughtful, honest, genuinely cares, and best of all, really understands what’s going on. I’m so glad I found Jennifer, as she has become an essential part of my healing process.”

— Ellen L, San Francisco

“Before sessions with Jennifer I had an army of voices in my head. I really felt like this fight with food, my body and my emotions were holding me back to live the true life. After working with Jennifer, I feel hopeful, alive, happiness, strong and confident. She has helped me come to understand that forgiveness, gentleness and love are SO much more important that willpower or even eating perfectly. I feel better in my body and I’m more proud of it.”

— Erika I, Philadelphia

“After about 2 months working with Jennifer, while working cross-functionally with other doctors on my orthopedic problems, I have progressed not only in my physical capabilities, but in my ability to handle stress with mantras, breathing, and movement. I have also developed self-knowledge and awareness, and I feel like I am on a more positive path in my life. I am so glad that I met Jennifer! She has been a critical part of my healing, and I wholeheartedly recommend her for yoga therapy.”

— Monica, Philadelphia